It was agreed to provide assistance to businesses
Perhaps in the near future, the problems of entrepreneurs, related to monopolists, will be solved
The agreement on the provision of comprehensive assistance to businesses was reached after a meeting between the leadership of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region and the Department of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of Atyrau region.
The Regional Chamber’s initiative to hold the meeting with the new head of the antimonopoly authority was not random. The number of entrepreneurs’ complaints on monopolists has doubled in comparison with 2014.
"Today, the business has two major problems in the region. These are land issues and monopolies. Including among the subjects of natural monopolies, the largest number of complaints is on "KazTransGazAymak". These are questions of prepayment, professional technical maintenance, off-season connectivity, lack of information on free capacities and others. We would like to see these issues resolved in a positive way with your help", - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Assylbek Dzhakiyev, addressing to the head of the antitrust department.
In turn, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Chamber Sarsenbay Zholdybaev added that this year was introduced the new Entrepreneurial Code, which provides for close cooperation with government agencies in field of protection of the rights and interests of business.
"We need to work closely within the new Entrepreneurial Code. As for other enterprises - monopolists, such as "Atyrau-Zharyk," "AtyrauSuArnasy", the issues are being solved in a working order. There are a lot of systemtic problems with "KazTransGazAymak". Let’s say, there are problems with professional technical maintenance. If you do not want to pay for the service, then the gas supply will be blocked in spring, and in the fall you have to re-apply for its connection. This is some kind of nonsense! I regularly pay for gas, I have a metering device, why do we need a seal? If these problems are solved jointly, it would be a significant support for entrepreneurs", - said Sarsenbay Zholdybaev.
With all the issues voiced by the newly appointed head of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of Atyrau oblast Nurlan Taubaev, it was agreed and there was expressed readiness to actively cooperate with the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs.
The staff of the Department of land relations of Atyrau region were also invited to the meeting, during which was introduced the developed electronic map of Atyrau. In the meantime, it includes the territory of the city of Atyrau, Kulsary and Makhambet rural district, the work on its expansion continues. How to tell the professionals, thanks to this map, anyone can find out where a particular object is used or not, what is the distance to it, and more. The leaders of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs offer to include information, provided by monopolists on free capacity, so as to make it more affordable for businesses.
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Губанова Валентина Витальевна.
А теперь о проблеме.У нас заключен договор с ПТВС на 2015г, где указано потребление тепло энергии.За 4 квартал 2015г потребление по договору составляет 80,97 Гкал, нам выстовили на оплату - 178,23Гкал, разница составила более 100%. Почему? на этот вопрос конкретного ответа на не дают. На прием к И.О. директору АО "ПТВС" Сундетбаеву не возможно попасть,он всегда занят,работники абонентского отдела тоже не хотят разговаривать.Игнорируют. Такое ощущение, что в ноябре мы достроили еще кафе, а декабре еще второе кафе. За январь даже страшно подумать какую сумму выставят на оплату, так как принесли новый договор о повышение цен. Цены на свои услуги в нашем маленьком городе на данный момент не поднять, не будет клиентов.А платить ком.услуги по 500000 тенге, а с новыми ценами за отопление будет около 1000000 тенге, не возможно. И таких предпринимателей, как мы, много.
Прошу ,Вас, помочь решить эту проблему, помочь спокойно работать в это тяжелое время, выстоять.
С уважением Губанова В.В, Нерозников С.А.